API Reference


interface BaseMessagingConfig {
  logger?: Logger;
  breakError?: boolean;

Shared configuration between all the different messengers.


  • logger?: Logger (default: console)
    The logger to use when logging messages. Set to null to disable logging.
  • breakError?: boolean (default: undefined)
    Whether to break an error when an invalid message is received.


interface CustomEventMessage {
  event: CustomEvent;

Additional fields available on the Message from a CustomEventMessenger.


  • event: CustomEvent
    The event that was fired, resulting in the message being passed.


interface CustomEventMessagingConfig extends NamespaceMessagingConfig {}

Configuration passed into defineCustomEventMessaging.


type CustomEventMessenger<TProtocolMap extends Record<string, any>> =
  GenericMessenger<TProtocolMap, CustomEventMessage, []>;

Messenger returned by defineCustomEventMessenger.


function defineCustomEventMessaging<
  TProtocolMap extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>,
>(config: CustomEventMessagingConfig): CustomEventMessenger<TProtocolMap> {
  // ...

Creates a CustomEventMessenger. This messenger is backed by the CustomEvent APIs. It can be used to communicate between:

  • Content script and website
  • Content script and injected script

sendMessage does not accept any additional arguments..


interface WebsiteMessengerSchema {
  initInjectedScript(data: ...): void;

export const websiteMessenger = defineCustomEventMessenger<initInjectedScript>();

// Content script
websiteMessenger.sendMessage("initInjectedScript", ...);

// Injected script
websiteMessenger.onMessage("initInjectedScript", (...) => {
  // ...



function defineExtensionMessaging<
  TProtocolMap extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>,
>(config?: ExtensionMessagingConfig): ExtensionMessenger<TProtocolMap> {
  // ...

Returns an ExtensionMessenger that is backed by the browser.runtime.sendMessage and browser.tabs.sendMessage APIs.

It can be used to send messages to and from the background page/service worker.


function defineWindowMessaging<
  TProtocolMap extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>,
>(config: WindowMessagingConfig): WindowMessenger<TProtocolMap> {
  // ...

Returns a WindowMessenger. It is backed by the window.postMessage API. It can be used to communicate between:

  • Content script and website
  • Content script and injected script


interface WebsiteMessengerSchema {
  initInjectedScript(data: ...): void;

export const websiteMessenger = defineWindowMessaging<initInjectedScript>();

// Content script
websiteMessenger.sendMessage("initInjectedScript", ...);

// Injected script
websiteMessenger.onMessage("initInjectedScript", (...) => {
  // ...


interface ExtensionMessage {
  sender: Runtime.MessageSender;

Additional fields available on the Message from an ExtensionMessenger.



interface ExtensionMessagingConfig extends BaseMessagingConfig {}

Configuration passed into defineExtensionMessaging.


type ExtensionMessenger<TProtocolMap extends Record<string, any>> =
  GenericMessenger<TProtocolMap, ExtensionMessage, ExtensionSendMessageArgs>;

Messenger returned by defineExtensionMessaging.


type ExtensionSendMessageArgs = [arg?: number | SendMessageOptions];

Send message accepts either:

  • No arguments to send to background
  • A tabId number to send to a specific tab
  • A SendMessageOptions object to target a specific tab and/or frame


interface GenericMessenger<
  TProtocolMap extends Record<string, any>,
  TSendMessageArgs extends any[],
> {
  sendMessage<TType extends keyof TProtocolMap>(
    type: TType,
    data: GetDataType<TProtocolMap[TType]>,
    ...args: TSendMessageArgs
  ): Promise<GetReturnType<TProtocolMap[TType]>>;
  onMessage<TType extends keyof TProtocolMap>(
    type: TType,
    onReceived: (
      message: Message<TProtocolMap, TType> & TMessageExtension,
    ) => void | MaybePromise<GetReturnType<TProtocolMap[TType]>>,
  ): RemoveListenerCallback;
  removeAllListeners(): void;

Messaging interface shared by all messengers.

Type parameters accept:

  • TProtocolMap to define the data and return types of messages.
  • TMessageExtension to define additional fields that are available on a message inside onMessage's callback
  • TSendMessageArgs to define a list of additional arguments for sendMessage


type GetDataType<T> = T extends (...args: infer Args) => any
  ? Args["length"] extends 0 | 1
    ? Args[0]
    : never
  : T extends ProtocolWithReturn<any, any>
    ? T["BtVgCTPYZu"]
    : T;

Given a function declaration, ProtocolWithReturn, or a value, return the message's data type.


type GetReturnType<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => infer R
  ? R
  : T extends ProtocolWithReturn<any, any>
    ? T["RrhVseLgZW"]
    : void;

Given a function declaration, ProtocolWithReturn, or a value, return the message's return type.


interface Logger {
  debug(...args: any[]): void;
  log(...args: any[]): void;
  warn(...args: any[]): void;
  error(...args: any[]): void;

Interface used to log text to the console when sending and recieving messages.


type MaybePromise<T> = Promise<T> | T;

Either a Promise of a type, or that type directly. Used to indicate that a method can by sync or async.


interface Message<
  TProtocolMap extends Record<string, any>,
  TType extends keyof TProtocolMap,
> {
  id: number;
  data: GetDataType<TProtocolMap[TType]>;
  type: TType;
  timestamp: number;

Contains information about the message recieved.


  • id: number
    A semi-unique, auto-incrementing number used to trace messages being sent.
  • data: GetDataType<TProtocolMap[TType]>
    The data that was passed into sendMessage
  • type: TType
  • timestamp: number
    The timestamp the message was sent in MS since epoch.


interface MessageSender {
  tab?: Tabs.Tab;
  frameId?: number;
  id?: string;
  url?: string;

An object containing information about the script context that sent a message or request.


  • tab?: Tabs.Tab
    The $(ref:tabs.Tab) which opened the connection, if any. This property will only be present when the connection was opened from a tab (including content scripts), and only if the receiver is an extension, not an app. Optional.
  • frameId?: number
    The $(topic:frame_ids)frame that opened the connection. 0 for top-level frames, positive for child frames. This will only be set when tab is set. Optional.
  • id?: string
    The ID of the extension or app that opened the connection, if any. Optional.
  • url?: string
    The URL of the page or frame that opened the connection. If the sender is in an iframe, it will be iframe's URL not the URL of the page which hosts it. Optional.


interface NamespaceMessagingConfig extends BaseMessagingConfig {
  namespace: string;


  • namespace: string
    A string used to ensure the messenger only sends messages to and listens for messages from other messengers of the same type, with the same namespace.


:::danger Deprecated Use the function syntax instead: https://webext-core.aklinker1.io/guide/messaging/protocol-maps.html#syntax :::

interface ProtocolWithReturn<TData, TReturn> {
  BtVgCTPYZu: TData;
  RrhVseLgZW: TReturn;

Used to add a return type to a message in the protocol map.

Internally, this is just an object with random keys for the data and return types.


  • BtVgCTPYZu: TData
    Stores the data type. Randomly named so that it isn't accidentally implemented.
  • RrhVseLgZW: TReturn
    Stores the return type. Randomly named so that it isn't accidentally implemented.


interface ProtocolMap {
  // data is a string, returns undefined
  type1: string;
  // data is a string, returns a number
  type2: ProtocolWithReturn<string, number>;


type RemoveListenerCallback = () => void;

Call to ensure an active listener has been removed.

If the listener has already been removed with Messenger.removeAllListeners, this is a noop.


interface SendMessageOptions {
  tabId: number;
  frameId?: number;

Options for sending a message to a specific tab/frame


  • tabId: number
    The tab to send a message to
  • frameId?: number
    The frame to send a message to. 0 represents the main frame.


interface WindowMessagingConfig extends NamespaceMessagingConfig {}

Configuration passed into defineWindowMessaging.


type WindowMessenger<TProtocolMap extends Record<string, any>> =
  GenericMessenger<TProtocolMap, {}, WindowSendMessageArgs>;


type WindowSendMessageArgs = [targetOrigin?: string];

For a WindowMessenger, sendMessage requires an additional argument, the targetOrigin. It defines which frames inside the page should receive the message.

See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/postMessage#targetorigin for more details.

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